Chair and Vice Chair Re-Elected by Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board for 2021

The Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board held its annual election for Chair and Vice Chair Friday and both incumbents were re-elected.

This will be Elkford Mayor Dean McKerracher’s seventh term as Chair. “We have a diverse Board that works well together, and I am honoured to have been re-elected as Chair. I look forward to continuing to work on behalf of the Hospital District and with Interior Health in the year ahead.”

Sparwood Mayor David Wilks will serve as Acting Chair for a third term. “I appreciate the support of my fellow Directors and look forward to another productive year with Chair McKerracher, the Board, staff and Interior Health,” says Wilks.

The Kootenay East Regional Hospital District provides up to 40 percent capital funding for acute care facilities in the region for equipment and facility construction and renovation.

The Hospital District includes the entire RDEK as well as the Towns of Golden and Creston, and the portions of the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay and Columbia Shuswap surrounding those municipalities.

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